Thursday 11 April 2013

Wana'be a model?

                                   Dolly Illustrations

Over the Easter holidays i have worked religiously on my Graded Unit. I have mostly been concentrating on practicing drawing fashion illustrations for my presentation and for presenting my designs.

I re-done this illustration, taking inspiration from Hayden Williams. I like how her drawings are amazing and have lively colors and the facial features are sharp.

This was my wall at home, I pinned up all my designs so that i was always looking at them and coming up with new ideas of ways i can develop them.

One of my design's was inspired by flower petals, which i then developed more using the petals and i thought the petals shapes were similar to the shape of a balloon that has not been blown up.
So, i then took this idea and got balloons and attempted to make a mini doll skirt. Which turned out not as i had expected. But it was fun!!!

Sunday 24 March 2013

Bye boring suits

                         Out with the old, In with the new

This week with my graded unit i am starting my design idea's for my Dolly Suits. I have started with drawing out an illustrated model in pencil for a black/grey/white effect. 


Monday 18 March 2013

Dolly Trend Development

                         Dolly Development

At the beginning of March i started my development on my dolly trend and here are a few images of what i have done so far.

 Bottom Image; During my research on bold prints i came across thick circle wallpaper and i experimented with the shapes and tried out the opposite to a circle and added in squares too.

Top Image; Tulip petals. On my Development with this i simply took the silhouette shape of a tulip petals and used colours that are in my colour wheel.

 More development pages on Dutch Matroska's and Dutch Clogs. I also looked into folk art and came across the owl.
 Here, I used my earlier research of bold prints and just used the squares. Cutting them out too, and did a tiered layered with other cut out squares and pink strips that i have been experimenting with throughout my development.
My cute funky owl. I have decided to use this idea as inspiration for my business card and leaflet. I have also decided that i will use the colours used here as my blog colour them.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Dolly Trend

Dolly Trend

Continuing from my last post about my dolly trend for the graded unit, this is my  'Dolly Mind Map'  in my sketch book.

First Chapter!

                                     The Very Beginning

 SPRING is on its way and i have my very first fashion textiles graded unit 1 to be doing! Sooo, i have decided that i should look into S/S 2013 collection for some ideas and inspiration for my own designs!

Here, I like the bright colours, bold prints and checkered pattern on the outfits.

Should i step away from all the colour and move more towards the good old black and white.

The photo here that cherry blossom girl posted, I liked the neat and sophicated look of this style. give us a look at the trend reports for SPRING 2013

For my dolly trend, I have done 2 weeks of none stop research and came to a decison that i want to design womens suits. I then saw these two perfect pictures on .. The top one with the nice horizontial like and squared skirt. The bottom one, being all one colour and making the red scarf completely stand out.