Thursday 11 April 2013

Wana'be a model?

                                   Dolly Illustrations

Over the Easter holidays i have worked religiously on my Graded Unit. I have mostly been concentrating on practicing drawing fashion illustrations for my presentation and for presenting my designs.

I re-done this illustration, taking inspiration from Hayden Williams. I like how her drawings are amazing and have lively colors and the facial features are sharp.

This was my wall at home, I pinned up all my designs so that i was always looking at them and coming up with new ideas of ways i can develop them.

One of my design's was inspired by flower petals, which i then developed more using the petals and i thought the petals shapes were similar to the shape of a balloon that has not been blown up.
So, i then took this idea and got balloons and attempted to make a mini doll skirt. Which turned out not as i had expected. But it was fun!!!

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